Aitken, Alexander.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1860-1910
Size: 1 (2") box.
1: Diary kept by Aitken as a member of the relief
party, 26 Jan 1861-22 Nov 1862
2: Correspondence, 1860-1863 mainly from A.W.
3: Newscuttings, 1875-1910, mainly re Burke and Wills
Expedition of 1860
State Library of New South Wales (NSL:R)
Call No: ML MSS 1263
University of South Australia (SUSA)
Call No: SP 994.031
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe
Library, Australian Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MF held
Andrews, Lancelot
Title: School essay book
Date Range: 1917
Size: 1 item
Summary: School essay book written by Lancelot Andrews of
Maryborough Grammar School in 1917. Essay titles include "A great
Australian explorer (Burke and Wills)".
Access: Open
Australian War Memorial, Research Centre
Call No: PR90/131
Austin, Robert.
Title: Central
Date Range: 1860
Size: 1 v.Summary: Central Australia: Contents - Burke and Wills
Exploration: Minindie to Cooper's Creek; Wills
report.A. Howitt's Relief Expedition; Howitt's diary.
Howitt's Recovery Expedition.B. MS Transcript bound in 1 vol.
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 20
Becker, Ludwig,
Title: [Letter, 1860 Mar. 9, to Ferdinand
von Mueller] / from Ludwig Becker.
Date Range: 1860 Mar. 9.
Size: 4 p.
Summary: Letter written in German, refers to the leadership of
the Australian exploring expedition. Name: Mueller, Ferdinand,
Baron von, 1825-1896.
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 1236
Bergin. Thomas John,
Title: Courage and
Corruption - An analysis of the Burke and Wills Expedition and
the subsequent Royal Commission of Enquiry.
MA Honours thesis, 1982.
University of New England
Booth, Abraham, 1815-1902.
Title: Diary.
Date Range: 1856-1861
Size: 1 bd. vol.
Summary: Journal of Abraham and Hannah Booth, 1856-1861. An
account of life on Tragowell Station, including the visit of the
Victorian Exploring Expedition on 3rd September 1860,
together with miscellaneous newspaper cuttings and biographical
information about Abraham Booth.
Access: Available for reference
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
Brahe family.
Title: Family papers
Date Range: 1797-1974
Size: 0.5 cm.
Summary: Papers of the Brahe family, 1797-1974. Includes
photographs, which are mostly undated but from the 19th century,
especially of May H. Brahe; family tree undated but compiled ca.
1974; certificates, 1846-1927, are in English and German; Press
cutting about May Brahe in the Herald (Melbourne), 6 November,
1984; map of the parish of Katamatite country of Moira in
Victoria; and an undated account by William Brahe of the Burke
and Wills Expedition. The account was written when he was an old
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
Bourke, John
Title: Letter
Date Range: c. 1858
Size: 21 pp. Format: Photocopies
Summary: Letter from John Bourke to John O'Shanassy concerning
the identity of "anonymous" donor of £1000 for exploration
1858. Praise for himself and O'Shanassy as patriots and good
citizens. Quotes extracts from daily papers. Asserts donor Mr
Kyte and gives details of Gregory's Journey.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc
Call No: MS000860; Box 222/13
Bourke, John Conway, 1821-1908
Title: Papers Size: 13 v.
bound and unbound, original ms., ms. copy, and printed
Summary: Include correspondence, reminiscences, notes,
memoranda, accounts, deposition, newspaper cuttings and map. A
personal account of the life and work of John Conway Bourke, as
stockman, first mailman between Melbourne and Sydney, and
instigator of the Burke and Wills expedition. The papers are a
recollection of Bourke's role in the history and development of
Victoria and give his impressions of the dangers of pioneering
life. His reminiscences include life as a stockman at Dandenong
and Ballamaring cattle stations in 1840s with particular
reference to cattle sales, boundary disputes and squatters,
Alfred Longhorne, William Fletcher, Samuel Webster, James
Simpson, John Gardiner, Charles H. Ebden and James McAlpin;
conflicts and communication with Aborigines with reference to
massacre of Faithfull's party and attack at John Clarke's
station; critical comments on exploration re use of camels; A. D.
Gregory's search for Leichhardt party; Babbage expedition;
Ambrose Kyte and Burke and Wills origins; notes and
correspondence re job applications, employment at General Post
Office and Bourke's case for pecuniary recognition with
testimonials and letters signed by John O'Shanassy, Edward
Wilson, Joseph Hawdon, Frank and Charles Gavan Duffy and Edmund
Finn. Further references to role played by J. C. Bourke in
history of Victoria include correspondence signed by Bourke and
John Hawdon , Charles Bonney, Thomas Jennings, T. Smith and copy
of letter to Sydney Morning Herald by Charles H. Ebden. Also
miscellaneous letters and notes re life of J. C. Bourke re St
Patrick's Society, Western Port Hotel, employment of Dennis and
Prucella Kelly, lease agreement with Michael Pender and overland
journey to Adelaide with Joseph Hawdon. NOTE: A sketch map of
Dandenong District c. 1845 is included; a book of newspaper
cuttings contains account in serial form of life and work of J.
C. Bourke. It was entitled "Perils of a pioneer" by "Max" (neither paper nor date known). Also short notes on Edward Henty,
John Batman, John Gardiner and Major Thomas Mitchell by J. C.
Access: Application to be made to repository.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc
Call No: 4114-4117, 4532, 4351-2-3 and MS
000106; Box 38/
Burchett Family
Title: Papers
Date Range: 1843-1970
Size: 1 v. unbound, 36 p. and loose items, typescript copy and
original ms.
Summary: Transcription of diary and letters of Caleb Burchett
from birth in 1843 to about 1900; together with notes and letters
from his father, James, and his brother, James, transcribed from
Caleb Burchett's manuscript by Winston Harold Burchett, 1970.
These describe life at Carlton, Brunswick and Poowong and Jeetho
districts, with particular reference to early settlement;
pioneering hardships; involvement in community life re teaching,
preaching and local council; reminiscences re Burke and Wills,
Darraweit Gum, imprisonment of Inspector Geary, law suit re
councillors of Buln Buln Shire, financial crash 1890s; and
references to early settlers Jimmy Baker, Mark Gardiner, Henry
Littledike, Charles Cook, James Scott, William Carter Holmes.
Also includes biographical details re Burchett family and letter
signed by Caleb Burchett to daughter, Laura, 1915 re family life
and queries re "Burchett letters" held by R.H.S.V.
Access: Application to be made to repository.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc
Call No: MS 244416; Box 61/3
Burke and Wills Expedition
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1860-1861
Size: 3 microfilm reels. Format: Microform
Summary: Papers relating to the Burke and Wills Expedition
1860-1861. Includes diary, notebook, letters of Burke, diary and
notebook of Wills, diary and notebook of John King, maps, a
letter from Ludwig Becker to F von Mueller (in German), journal
of Frederick Walker and unpublished work on Burke and Wills by J.
S. Weatherston (1946) (see A897). Also notes on the expedition by
J. D. Somerville, 1941.
Access: Available for reference.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: Mfm G 3748-50
Burke and Wills Expedition
Title: Copy of papers held in
the National Library of Australia
Size: 3 reels Format: Microfilm
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library,
Australian Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No:
Burke and Wills Expedition, (1860-1861)
Title: Maps.
Date Range: 1860-1861
Summary: Maps from various sources related to the Victorian
Exploring Expedition.
Available for reference.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
Burke and Wills Expedition, (1860-1861).
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1860-1861
Size: 8 cm. (14 folders).
Finding Aids: Descriptive list available (5 p.).
Summary: Papers relating to Robert O'Hara Burke: a portion of
a diary kept by Burke (also photocopies of some of the pages);
letters; last message at Cooper Creek (photocopies). Papers
relating to William John Wills: journal; notebook; note left by
Wills at Cooper's Creek (photocopy). Press sheet announcing the
death of Burke and Wills, and also an account of the funeral.
Papers of John King, sole survivor of the expedition: diary;
notebook; account books. Also included is a typescript of notes
on John King by F.H. Hawkins and D.W. Roberts.
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 30
Burke and Wills Expedition, (1860-1861).
Title: Records.
Date Range: 1857-1875
Size: 2 m. 62 cm. 17 microfilm reels.
Finding Aids: Descriptive list and card index available for
Summary: The records of the expedition, including
correspondence, despatches and reports; the field notes of
William John Wills (second in command); the minutes of the Royal
Society (1857-1862); sketches of Ludwig Becker. Other groups
relating to the various relief expeditions include the diaries of
A.W. Howitt, records of W. Landsborough's contingent party, and
the expeditions of Captain Norman and F. Walker.
Access: Application for access to be made to repository.
Microfilm copy will be issued in preference to original
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: ms held (MS
13071 ?)
Burke, Robert O'Hara
Title: Letter written from Terrick Terrick,
31st August 1860
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library,
Australian Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No:
Burke, Robert O'Hara, 1821-1861
Title: Letters of
Date Range: 1852
Size: 20pp.
Summary: Five letters including letter 28 Oct. 1852 J. S.
Pakington, Colonial Office, Downing Street, London, to C.J. La
Trobe endorsed on p.4 with names of persons recommending Burke,
endorsement dated April 1853.
Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, SA Branch
Call No: MS 15c
Clune, Frank. 1893-1971.
Box 25 MS4951 Series 1, Folders 148. Includes information on the book "Dig".
Box 68 MS4951 Series 1, Folders 417. Short stories by Frank Clune including "Burke and Wills"
Box 105 MS4951 Series 1, Folders 49-56. Burke and Wills Expedition (was MS936 UNSW)
Box 106 MS4951 Series 1, Folders 57. Burke and Wills
Expedition (was MS936 UNSW)
Box 217 MS4951 Series 4, Photographs, including those taken researching "Dig
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call number: ANL:MS4951
Crocker, Willis Talbot, 1909-
Title: Papers regarding John McKinlay.
Date Range: 1991
Size: 14 cm. (1 box). Occupation: Biographers
Summary: Typescript of biography of the explorer John McKinlay
together with an index, a list of references and research
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Crummer, H.S.W.
Title: Letter to Thomas Gill discussing the
death and grave of C. Gray
Date Range: 29 May 1914
Size: 4pp.
Summary: The letter discusses chiefly the opinions of Hewitt
and J. McKinlay. With the letter is a copy of 'Extracts from
McKinlay's Expedition in search of Burke and Wills'.
Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, SA Branch
Call No: MS 25c
Deasey, William Denison, 1920-1984.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1938-1984
Size: 1.5 m. (9 boxes).
Finding Aids: Descriptive list available (38 p.).
Summary: Papers include: 1. Diaries and notebooks, 1938-1941,
1945-1962, 1969-1976, 1981. 2. Correspondence, 1941-1983. 3.
Autobiographical materials. 4. Draft and associated research
material for Deasey's unpublished book on Peter Egerton Warburton
(1813-1889). 5. Unproduced film script by David Williamson, "Burke and Wills".
Access: Partly restricted.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS 12827
Devenport, Victor Sturt.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1853-1959
Summary: Correspondence, research notes, printed material and
photographs, together with original letters received from Napier
G. Sturt.
[The research notes include papers on the Murray River, Broken
Hill, and Burke and Wills].
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of South Australia, Mortlock Library of
South Australiana (SSL:M)
Call No: PRG 14
Gaskett, G.
Title: Certificate of appreciation
Date Range: 1862 Jun. 18
Size: 1 frame; 42 x 62cm.
Summary: Certificate of appreciation, 18 June 1862, presented
to G. Gaskett of the Victoria (ship), by the Exploration
Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria.
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
Gow, Robert Biggart.
Title: Diary and
Date Range: 1860-1871
Size: 3 cm.
Summary: Diary, 21 Aug. to 25 Oct. 1861, of travels in the
pastoral districts of Victoria, NSW. and South Australia with
cuttings illustrating the Burke and Wills expedition (91p). In it
he describes meeting with the expedition just outside Melbourne.
He was also in Menindie when Wright and the rest of the party
returned and gives their version of what happened. Journal of a
voyage from Melbourne to London in the ship "Clarence" (1871),
preceded by twenty pages of notes from Lyell's "Elements of
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 24
Hawkins. F H,
11 page typed essay titled John King - Royal
Hibernian written on the centenary of the expedition
for the Old Boys of the Royal Hibernian Military School
(1769-1924). Deals briefly with Kings early life then
concentrates on his participation in the Burke & Wills
expedition at the age of 22. It follows his life after surviving
the expedition until his death in 1872.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call number: ANL:MS985
Howitt, A. W. (Alfred William),
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1837-1930
Size: 9 boxes. 3 microfilm reels.
Finding Aids: Analytical entries for principal correspondents in
Manuscripts card catalogue.
Summary: Letters to family in England from A. W. Howitt and
his wife Maria Robinson (nee Boothby). Autobiography of William
Howitt (1792-1879). Correspondence includes letters from the
following: Daisy Bates, Rev. L. Fison, Sir James Frazer, E.
Morris Miller, Professor Sir Baldwin Spencer and Eugene von
Guerard. Articles, circulars, memoirs and notes on aboriginal
customs. Aboriginal vocabulary lists. Maps and charts.
Instructions for the relief of the Burke and Wills expedition
from the Chairman and from the Secretary of the Exploration
Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria. Diary of A. W. Howitt
on trip to 'Far North' 1859-1860.
Access: Available on application.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: ms held
Howitt, A. W. (Alfred William),1830-1908.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1861-1862
Size: 3 microfilm reels.
Summary: Comprises diaries, field books, and drafts of
letters, 13 August 1861-November 1862.
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
John Wyles & Company.
Title: Records.
Date Range: 1875-1959
Size: 18 m.
Summary: Correspondence, journals, cash books, ledgers,
commission books, deed books, newspaper cuttings, auctioneers'
plans, maps, drawings, and papers of various estates administered
by John Wyles & Co. Notable sub-groups in this accession
include the records of Giles and Smith (land and estate agents)
1853-1903; Assets Purchase and Realisation Co. 1885-1905; Mount
Charlotte Gold Mining Co. 1896-1899; and the Premier Gold Mining
Co. 1901-1909. Among the personal papers is the manuscript diary
(portion only) of John McKinlay, kept during his expedition of
1861-1862 in search of Burke and Wills.
State Library of South Australia, Mortlock Library of
South Australiana (SSL:M)
Call No: held
Keneally, Thomas, 1935- .
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1967-1983
Size: 5.19 m.
Finding Aids: List available (5 p.).
Summary: Manuscripts and typescripts of novels, plays, short
stories and articles and an extensive correspondence. Works
represented among the manuscripts include Brink larks and heroes,
Confederates, The cut-rate kingdom, Halloran's little boat, Ned
Kelly and the city of bees, Passenger, Season in purgatory, The
survivor, A victim of the Aurora, 'Bligh', and 'Burke and Wills'
A large proportion of the correspondence is with publishers,
literary agents and editors. The correspondents include Philip
Ziegler, Tessa Sayle, James Moad, Thomas Stewart, Peter Grose,
Donald Horne, Peter Cross, W.R. Cumming, John Abernethy, Clem
Christesen, Tim Curnow, Geoff Barnes, Geoffrey Blainey, Alec
Bolton, Barbara Buick, Peter Coleman, Sir William Collins, Xavier
Herbert, Leonie Kramer, Les Murray, Cyril Pearl, Grace Perry,
Patricia Rolfe, Fred Schepisi, Gavin Souter and Douglas
Access: Partly restricted. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: NLA MS 6428.
Restricted access - Box 4, Folders 40-41 "Burke & Wills"
Access restricted. Box 4, Folders 40 to 41, manuscript of book
Burke and Wills.
Kenny, Herbert
Title: Letter from Riverstone, NSW to A. C.
Macdonald concerning the graves of members of the Burke and Wills
Date Range: 23 Sep. 1913
Size: 1p.Typescript copy
Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, SA Branch
Call No: MS 59c
Landsborough, William. 1825-1886.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1856-1908
Size: 2 boxes and 1 folder.
Finding Aids: List available.
OM69-17. This collection consists mainly of original material.
There are 192 personal letters, 14 diaries and journals covering
the period 1856-1886, as well as newspaper cuttings, pamphlets,
typescripts, circulars, miscellaneous documents and accounts, and
books. Many of the papers relate to the Uhr case and the road
from St. George to Cunnamulla.
OM69-30. Consists entirely of typescript copies of diaries and
letters, 1861-1884.
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of Queensland, John Oxley Library,
Manuscripts and Business Records Collection
Call No: OM69-17; OM69-30
McLaren, Ian Francis. 1912-
Date Range: 25 Mar. 1959
Size: 4pp.
Title: Letter to thc Sec. R.G.S. A'sia (SA Branch) Inc. asking
for information on the Victorian Exploring Expedition
Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, SA Branch
Call No: MS 63c
Mack, K Joe.
Title: Letter : to the Geographical Heritage
Committee, Royal Geographical Society of South Australia.
Date Range: 1985 Sept. 15
Size: 10 p. (0.1 cm.).
Summary: Letter to the Geographical Heritage Committee, Royal
Geographical Society of South Australia, re - the siting of
memorial cairns to members of the Victorian Exploring Expedition,
15 September, 1985.
Access: Available for reference
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
Moorehead, Alan McRae, 1910-1983.
number: ANL:MS5654 - 327 Folders
Title: Papers.
Finding Aids: Preliminary list available (3 p.).
Box 20 - Folders 160-166 - "Cooper's Creek" Manuscripts and
Box 21 - Folders 167-168 - "Cooper's Creek" Notes and background
The collection, which was received in two consignments, from
London and Rome, ranges from a diary kept as a schoolboy in 1926,
to personal and business correspondence, manuscripts and proofs
of most of his published and unpublished works, notebooks and
diaries, photographs, press cuttings and reviews, and background
material to his books. Also a card written by Lucy Moorehead to
Ivan Page.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Muller, Margaret L.
Title: The background
to the Burke and Wills Expedition of 1860.
Final year undergraduate paper by Muller whilst at Honours
School of History, University of Melbourne 1958. Quoted by
Kathleen Fitzpatrick. University of Melbourne ?
Munro. Ron F,
Call number:
The story of the Burke and Wills expedition from
Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria 1860-1.
Researched and compiled by Ron Munro. 2001.
Ron Munro, 7 Allott Court, Spring Gully, Bendigo, VIC
Newell, Andrew.1841-1926
Title: Papers
Date Range: 1854-1921
Size: several volumes bound & unbound, original ms.,
typescript and printed material and photographs.
Summary: A large collection of personal and business
correspondence, diaries, letterbooks and miscellaneous items
1854-1921, which cover social, economic, political and cultural
aspects of life during this period with much interesting
information and impressions of the Newell family in Melbourne and
Boston. Detailed accounts of family life, children's education,
childbearing and child rearing, attitudes to marriage and details
of everyday events and the subtle nuances of personal
relationships, and social life at rural and seaside resorts
including Sorrento, Bright, Healesville, Flinders, as well as
overseas. Also includes detailed accounts of business ventures in
mining, manufacturing, building trade, agricultural machinery,
imports and exports, investments in companies. These accounts are
valuable both for their factual recording of events and for their
comparisons of social, economic and political life in Australia
and America, from which one gains some understanding of how
American immigrants settled in the colonies, their reasons for
doing so, and the problems associated with migration. References
to Victoria include Burke and Wills departure from Royal
Access: Application to be made to repository.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc
Call No: MS 000664; Boxes 181-203
Rhodes. Jon,
32 black and white
Monumental Myths I and Monumental
Myths II - The Burke and Wills Expedition - Sites and Memorials.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Number:ANL:MSPIC/6114/1-32 LOC Box
PIC/6114; PIC/7040/1-16 LOC Box PIC/7040; PIC/7041/1-9 LOC Box
PIC/7041; PIC/7599 LOC FS 31; PIC/7600 LOC FS 31
Rowe, Peter Harvey.
Title: Records
Date Range: 1862 Jan. 11-1872 Aug. 4.
Size: 4 cm.
Summary: Records of Peter Harvey Rowe, Bosun on the Victoria,
on the attempted rescue of Burke and Wills; includes despatch
sent to Peter Rowe, 11 January 1862. Also letter from Dept. of
Public Works, Melbourne. 4 August 1872 re dredging operations;
press cuttings and concert programme. Also 2 photos of early
bluestoned cottage in Williamstown.
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
Sandford, John.
Date Range: [19--].
Size: 62 l.
Format: Typescript (duplicated)
Title: Burke and Wills : a play in three acts / by John
University of Queensland, Library
Call No: fy H1552
Somerville, James Dugald.
Title: Letter to the President
R.G.S. Australasia (SA Branch) Inc.
Date Range: 3 December 1958.
Size: 4pp.
Summary: Letter concerning investigation into 'false trails'
in the search for details of the route followed by Burke and
Wills and for Gray's grave.
Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, SA Branch
Call No: MS 90c
Strutt, William. 1825-1915.
Call number: ANL:MS MfM G15886
Title: Off For
Australia : emigration every body, and every thing, now, all, is
Autobiography of William Strutt.
Date Range: [19--]
Size: 1 microfilm reel.
Summary: Typescript copy of the part of Strutt's autobiography
dealing with his years in Victoria and New Zealand, 1850-1862.
The autobiography discusses Strutt's voyage to Australia in 1850
and recounts his various occupations during his years in Victoria
and New Zealand. It also describes life in early Melbourne, the
gold digging at Ballarat and gives some history of Melbourne and
Victoria. Also included are typescript copies of notes made by
Strutt about the christening of the son of a New Zealand chief,
Mr Pomare in 1863, and about the Burke and Wills expdition, and
typescript copy of a newspaper article about Strutt in the
Melbourne Argus, 1911 July 14.
Access: Available for reference.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: Mfm G 15886
Strutt, William.1825-1915.
Title: The life
and adventures of the painter of "Peace" / written
and illustrated by himself.
Date Range: [ca.1911]
Size: 1 microfilm reel.
Summary: Autobiography of William Strutt entitled The life and
adventures of the painter of "Peace". The narrative deals with
his student life in Paris, his voyage to Australia on the
Culloden, and recounts his various occupations during his years
in Victoria and New Zealand. It describes life in early Melbourne
and the gold diggings at Ballarat as well as discussing aspects
of the history of Melbourne and Victoria. Also included are
typescript copies of notes made by Strutt about the christening
of the son of a New Zealand chief, Mr Pomare, in 1863, notes
about the Burke and Wills expedition, a typescript copy of a
newspaper article about Strutt in the Melbourne Argus, 1911 July
14, correspondence and several illustrations by Strutt.
Access: Available for reference.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: Mfm G 657
Thiele, Colin.1920- .
Title: Burke
and Wills: a radio play / by Colin Thiele.
Date Range: [19--]
Size: 35 leaves.
University of Queensland, Library
Call No: H1720
Threadgill, Bessie.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1920-1922
Size: 3 v.
Summary: Notes made by Bessie Threadgill in preparation of her
thesis South Australian Land Exploration 1858-1860.
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of South Australia, Mortlock Library of
South Australiana (SSL:M)
Call No: PRG 7
Tietkens, William Henry. 1844-1933
Title: Letter to T. Gill
concerning the Burke and Wills expedition
Date Range: 9 September 1913.
Size: 2pp.
Summary: Tietkens refers to McKinlay's finding of Gray's
grave. A pencil note signed '-?- Moore' on p.1 reads 'I am by no
means sure that Burke was a Catholic'. Tietkens ends by promising
to send a 'few memoirs to Gill.
Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, SA Branch
Call No: MS 102c
Towner, Alfred Cory
Title : Map showing route of Burke and
Extracts from Queensland Department of Public Lands map, route
of Burke and Wills hand drawn from information supplied by
Towner. 1961.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call number: ANL:MSMS1391
Trundle, Gwen
Title: Collection of historical papers chiefly relating to
William Landsborough
State Library of Queensland, John Oxley
Library,Manuscripts and Business Records Collection
Call No: held
Tyson, James.1819-1898.
Title: James Tyson papers
in the National Library of Australia.
Date Range: 1847-1961
Size: 2 microfilm reels.
Format: Microform
Finding Aids: List available (7 p.).
Summary: These papers consist of two collections. The first
relates chiefly to the boundary dispute between Tyson and McEvoy
[at Lake Paika]. There is also a group of personal papers of
Robert Biggart Gow and maps related to the Burke and Wills
expedition. The second collection contains documents relating to
claims of inheritance and to the administration of Tyson's estate
from 1898-1907
Access: Available for reference.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MFM G 7727-7728 Series 8 (of 12)
Several explorers maps
including :
MS34 (60) - Tracing showing the route of the VEE from
Menindie to Torowoto - W J Wills
MS34 (61) - Map of Burke and Wills route from Cooper's
Creek to Carpentaria (printed). Copied from the map
prepared by W J Wills.
MS34 (62) - Map of area around Cooper's Creek
Tyson, James.1819-1898.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1847-1961
Size: 15 cm.
Finding Aids: Descriptive list (7 p.) available.
Summary: The papers consist of two collections
1 - The papers relating chiefly to the case of
McEvoy vs. Tyson a dispute concerning the boundaries of
their respective holdings at the junction of the
Darling and Murrumbidgee Rivers. Includes also a group
of personal papers of R.B. Gow, and maps, including one
signed W.J. Wills'.
2 - Documents relating to claims to inheritance and
to the administration of Tyson's estate, 1898-1907.
Includes a diary of Tyson 1863-1864
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript
Call Number ANL:MS34
Walker, Frederick. 1820?-1866.
Title: Journal.
Date Range: 1861-1862
Size: 7.5 cm.
Format: Includes typescript copies (2) of second part of the
Biog. Note: Frederick Walker, 1820-1866, explorer and officer
of native police, set out from Rockhampton in September 1861 in
search of the Burke and Wills Expedition. After traversing the
Barcoo, Albert and Flinders Rivers he made his way back to
Rockhampton via the North Queensland coast several months later
without achieving his objective.
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 23
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library,
Australian Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: microfilm copy held
Weatherston, J. S. (Joseph Stewart),
Title: Burke and
Date Range: [between 1940 and 1950]
Size: 15 cm. (5 v.).
Summary: Original typescript with handwritten alterations of a
book on the Burke and Wills expedition.
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 1136
Weatherston, J. S. (Joseph Stewart),
Title: Material relating
to Burke and Wills.
Date Range: c. 1940-1950
Size: 45 cm.
MS 295: Carbon typescript copy of manuscript of book
on Burke and Wills. Letters written to Weatherston
relating to Burke and Wills. Some press clippings
relating to Burke and Wills. One small folder of literary
MS 1136: Original typescript manuscript with
handwritten alterations of the proposed book on Burke and
Access: Available for reference.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 295, MS 1136
Welch, Edwin James.
Title: Journal of Victorian Contingent
Expeditions, and other papers
Date Range: 1861-62, 1862-1909
Size: 2 reels Format: Microfilm
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library,
Australian Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No:
White, John.1913- .
Title: Paper.
Date Range: 1996
Size: 1 cm.
Summary: Postscript to the author's book, "Burke and Wills:
the stockade and the tree" (1992) in reply to David Corke's
"Report of the 'Dig Tree' site" (1992).
Access: Available for reference. Not for loan.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: MS 9042
Wills family.
Title: Papers.
Date Range: 1857-1980
Size: 6.0 cm.
Summary: Comprises photographs, chiefly portraits of Robert
O'Hara Burke, William John Wills, and members of the Wills
family; press cuttings, miners' rights; correspondence; a kid
glove given by Julia Matthews to W. J. Wills; an embroidered bag
in which the collection was stored; and miscellaneous. Also three
books which belonged to the family.
Access: Available for reference.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: ms held
Wills, William John.1834-1861
Title: Letters
Date Range: 1839-1861
Summary: 28 letters and one fragment, mainly from William John
Wills to members of his family; also press cuttings relating to
the Burke and Wills Expedition 1862-1863.
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library,
Australian Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No:
Wills, William John.1834-1861.
Title: Correspondence and press
Date Range: 1839-1861
Size: 1 bd. v. 1 microfilm reel.
Summary: Collection of letters, mainly by William John Wills
to members of his family, 1839-1861. 28 Letters and one fragment,
also press cutings relating to the Burke and Wills expedition
1862-1863. Biog.
Access: Available for reference
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian
Manuscripts Collection (VSL)
Call No: MS held
Wills, William John.1834-1861.
Title: Letters.
Date Range: 1852-1861
Size: 1 microfilm reel.
Summary: Contains: Diary of Wills' journey to Australia,
letters to members of his family describing his journey, the
Australian countryside, his life as a shepherd on a station near
Deniliquin, his work at the observatory on Flagstaff Hill,
Melbourne, his life in Melbourne, and his expedition to central
and northern Australia, 1860-1861.The reels also contain cuttings
from Melbourne and London newspapers concerning the expedition,
death and funeral of Burke and Wills, and two letters to Wills'
father dated 1839 and 1840.
Access: Available for reference.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: mfm G 14542
Wills, William John, 1834-1861.
Title: Notebooks.
Date Range: 1860-1861
Size: 1 microfilm reel.
Summary: Unpublished field notebooks kept by W. G. Wills
during the expedition to the Gulf of Carpentaria, 1860-1861.
Access: Available for reference.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Call No: mfm G 22754
Expeditions in search of Burke & Wills
[cartographic material]
J Murray (Firm)
Cartographic data:Scale <ca.1:5 082 176>
Publication: London, J. Murray, 1863
Description: 1 map on 4 sheets : photograph ; sheets 27 x 20 cm
Notes: Map covers areas of Queensland, New South Wales and
part of South Australia.
Subtitle: Map of eastern Australia, on which are delineated the
routes of Messrs. Bourke & Wills, McKinlay, Landsborough & Walker, to accompany the
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society for 1863.
Library holdings: 1 map in 4 sheets, photograph copy.
Location: Onsite storage; please "send a request".1 map in 4
sheets, photograph copy
Call Number: RBM 804 05082 e 1863
State Library of Queensland, John Oxley Library,
Manuscripts and Business Records Collection (QJO)
Miscellaneous papers relating to the
Burke and Wills Expedition, 1860-1862
Date Range: c. 1863-1871
Size: 1 v. unbound, original ms, typescript and ms. copy.
Summary: These include a copy of John King's narrative which
appears (in part at least) to have been transcribed from articles
in The Australasian 1870 - this provides an interesting
first-hand account of the expedition with particular emphasis on
privations, relationships with the Aborigines and the tragic
deaths of Burke and Wills; paper by Alfred Woolley Greig entitled "William John Wills: a biographical sketch"; notes compiled by
Miss C. Kemp re route of the expedition from Melbourne to
Menindie; essay by J. D. Somerville entitled "The Burke and Wills
Expedition - the resurrection of the horse 'Billy"' dated 1941;
correspondence by John Conway Bourke to John Watson and Alexander
Sutherland re origins of the Expedition and the role he played,
and a copy of a letter signed by John O'Shanassy to J. C. Bourke,
1863; letter signed by J. S. Weatherston, 1947 re number of
camels used on the Expedition; miscellaneous correspondence to
R.H.S.V. re Explorers' Memorial Fund 1911-1914; copies of
correspondence re Wills Family collection, mainly genealogical,
signed by Mavis Lewis to -. Morgan, 1971, includes references to
Frances Wills and the ships Lady Kenaway and Nabob; poem by
William Thompson "Lament for Burke and Wills"; anonymous essay
entitled "Burke and Wills Expedition" re origin and early stages;
miscellaneous notes by Barbara Savill.
Access: Application to be made to repository.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc
Call No: MS 14818, 12717, 4115, 4115 A, 00340;
Box 119/3
Papers relating to memorials to Victorian
unbound, several pages, original ms. typescript and printed
items; bound; 32 p. typescript, illustrations and
Summary: Papers, correspondence, notes, circulars, pamphlets,
booklets, newspaper cuttings and photographs. Includes references
to Ferdinand Von Mueller, Wilbraham F. E. Liardet, Robert Hoddle,
Angus McMillan, John Gardiner, Hume and Hovell, Burke and Wills,
John Flynn, Thomas Mitchell, John Batman, Rev. Francis Tuckfield,
Sarah Burns and those buried at Red Bluff, 1840. Correspondence
relates to compiling a survey of regional memorials by Victorian
Historical Association, 1844, and further lists, 1859; this
includes a booklet entitled Victorian historical memorials to
explorers and discoverers, 1844. NOTE: Papers include a hymn, a
poem, and circulars re biographical details.
Access: Application to be made to repository.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc
Call No: MS 000084; Box 32/10
Plans of McKinlay's Burke Relief
Expedition[map]/ signed W.D. Hodgkinson.
Date Range: 1862.
Size: 6 maps.
Summary: Plan of the Burke Relief Expedition led by John
McKinlay 1861-1862, in six parts. Compiled by W.D. Hodgkinson,
draftsman on the expedition. Ink on paper with route taken shown
in coloured ink. Copy by Bessie Threadgill of original in
Surveyor General's Office (R/16).
Access: Copies may be supplied for research or study. No
publication without written permission from the Mortlock
State Library of South Australia, Mortlock Library of
South Australiana (SSL)
Call No: C 89
Royal Geographical Society of
Australasia(Victorian Branch)
Title: Collection of
miscellaneous papers
Date Range: 1883-1924
Size: several vols., original ms. typescript ms. copy and
Summary: These relate to the history of the Society and its
amalgamation with the Historical Society of Victoria. Papers
include draft constitution, minutes of inaugural meeting, minute
books, memos, financial statements, cash book, letterbook,
pamphlets, membership lists and certificates, list of aims and
objectives, extracts from journals, reports, newspaper accounts,
miscellaneous items, large body of correspondence and several
unpublished manuscripts of lectures (listed below) read before
the Society re matters of scientific and geographical study.
Particular references to explorations and expeditions to Central
Australia, New Guinea, New Hebrides and the Antarctic; voyage of
the Scotia, visits of Captain R. F. Scott, Lieutenant Ernest H.
Shackleton, H. M. Stanley; search for the remains of Leichardt's
party and the bodies near Langrange Bay, W.A.: whaling ship the "Antarctic"; Australian Exploring and Prospecting Association;
employment of Asiatic labour in northern Australia; research on
the Warrnambool wreck; Centennial Exhibition and Columbus
Exhibition; newspaper extracts of perjury case involving
Alexander Cameron McDonald; miscellaneous papers on the Ancient
Mariners of Victoria, the Australasian Association for the
Advancement of Science and world-wide geographical and scientific
societies and congresses. Principal persons include Baron
Ferdinand Von Mueller, Alexander Cameron McDonald, G. S.
Griffiths and explorations led by Thomas Elder, David Lindsay and
W. H. Tietkens. Manuscripts included are: Bradshaw, Joseph:
Northern Territory views and notes. Bully, H. J.: Notes on the
Crozet Islands - expedition to the islands in the schooner
Catherine. Chataway, Senator: Report of his comments after Rev.
Gilbert White's paper on Northern Australia. David, T. W.
Edgeworth: Cupriferous shales in pennian rocks near Sydney.
Fowler, Thomas Walker: A note on Captain Cook's Point Hicks.
Hayward, Joseph: A holiday in Greece. James, Job: The position of
the granite family with regard to sedimentary formations. Kernot,
W. C.: Melbourne's great unknown mountain. McDonald, Alexander
Cameron: The beginning of Australia. McDonald, Alexander Cameron:
The fate of La Perouse. MacFie, Matthew: Are the laws of nature
transgressed or obeyed by the continuous labour of white men in
the Australian tropics? Newland, V. Marra: The East African
Protectorate: a white man's country. Panton, J. A.: A brief
review of additional evidences as to the discovery of Australia
by de Quiros. Smith, W. Ramsay: Notes by a naturalist in the
South Seas. Wilkinson, W. Percy: The nomenclature of Australian
wines in relation to historical commercial usage of European wine
names, international conventions for the protection of industrial
property and recent European commercial treaties. Wunderlich,
Franz: Contributions to the knowledge of ore and other views.
There is also a discussion of a paper by George Gordon
Access: Application to be made to repository.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc
Call No: MS 000692; SN 27
Royal Geographical Society of
Australasia(Victorian Branch)
Title: Photographs
Size: 1 v. bound, photographs, maps, sketches, original ms.
Summary: Miscellaneous collection of photographs which appear
to have been donated by Baron von Mueller, whose photograph and
greeting appear as a frontispiece. Photographs include Glasshouse
Mts (Queensland); progressive stages of railway being built near
Adelaide; New Guinea and Tonga landscapes; statue of Sir John
Franklin; explorers Capt. Speke, Capt. Grant, Capt. Everill, W.
R. Cuthbertson, Alexander Cameron MacDonald, Jnr, William
Landsborough; King Jerry, a Geelong Aborigine and Tasmanian
Aborigines: Kellas's Quarry, Warrnambool, and notes on the
legend; Elder's scientific expedition 1891-92; members of S.A.
Branch of R.G.S. and David Lindsay's Exploring Party; R.G.S.
excursion, March, 1895 (9th-14th) which includes men, women and
children; also includes miscellaneous maps, sketches (one by T.
Ryan) and photographs; several of the photos were taken by J. W.
Access: Application to be made to repository.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc (VRHS)
Call No: MS 000142; Boxes 49, 50, 52 and