of Exploration into the interior of Australia
(Burke Relief Expedition)
Melbourne: F F Bailliere, 1863.
Publisher in ordinary to the Victorian Government, and importer of medical and scientific works.
(Ferguson 12057)
John McKinlay [picture]
Batchelder & O'Neil, c. 1857-1863.
H37475/31, State Library of Victoria
McKinlay's departure from Adelaide
McKinlay's Journal : Preface
McKinlay's Journal : September 1861
McKinlay's Journal : October 1861
McKinlay's Journal : November 1861
McKinlay's Journal : December 1861
McKinlay's Journal : January 1862
McKinlay's Journal : February 1862
McKinlay's Journal : March 1862
McKinlay's Journal : April 1862
McKinlay's Journal : May 1862
McKinlay's Journal : June 1862
McKinlay's Journal : July 1862
McKinlay's Journal : August 1862
Melbourne meeting to honour McKinlay
Adelaide banquet to honour McKinlay

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Project Gutenberg, and the entire book can be downloaded as an e-text.
Project Gutenberg has many other historical texts, including the journals of many of Australia's early explorers.