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Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria, in search of Burke & Wills

PrefaceThe readers of this pamphlet are no doubt aware that the anxiety entertained for the fate of Burke and Wills led to the formation of several expeditions in their search. The first of these was formed in Melbourne and entrusted to the command of Mr Howitt. The second in Adelaide, under Mr McKinlay. The third from Rockhampton, under Mr. Walker; and the fourth from Brisbane, under Mr Landsborough. These several expeditions were organised and started within a short period of each other. The steamship Victoria, Commander Norman, was despatched by the Victorian Government to the Gulf of Carpentaria to assist the explorers in carrying out their objects. Mr Howitt, as is well-known, early succeeded in ascertaining the melancholy fate of Burke and Wills: but before his letter announcing it reached Melbourne the other expeditions referred to had set out. The brig Firefly was chartered in Melbourne to take from Brisbane to Carpentaria Mr Landsborough's party and equipments, and also some stores for Mr Walker's party, the latter having been instructed to proceed from Rockhampton overland, by the shortest route, to a rendezvous at the Gulf. The Firefly, having reached Moreton Bay and shipped the horses, set sail for Carpentaria on the 24th August with Mr Landsborough and his party. As it is the object of this pamphlet to give details, especially of his expedition, the journal, letters, etc., which follow, are now presented. |