by the citizens of Castlemaine
Tuesday, 21 January 1862

Wednesday, 22 January 1862: 2-3. KING IN CASTLEMAINEAll day yesterday, though the municipal nomination served as a safety valve to public enthusiasm, considerable excitement was manifested pending the arrival of King the surviving explorer. On his first visit, if visit it can be called he was so reduced by the fearful trials he had gone through, that public curiosity in some measure restrained itself; but yesterday, King, having fully recovered, was obliged to bear the full brunt of the public's approbation. It was known that he would arrive by the afternoon coach, and though the rain was pouring steadily down, the streets were lined with spectators, who waited patiently for the sight of one who had rendered himself so famous. When the couch drew up at the Commercial hotel, a general rush was made, but greatly to the disappointment of those making at it, it was ascertained that King had been met by the Chairman of the Council, on Forest Creek, and brought down in a buggy. He followed the coach, and, as soon as he was recognised, was heartily cheered. As he passed through the streets, no one appeared to know where he was bound to, and the consequence was, a helter skelter dash after the retreating buggy, which drew up at the Council Chambers, and King was then formally welcomed to Castlemaine by the councilors present. Coincident with his arrival, came an almost breathless crowd who exhausted the little remaining breath they possessed in lustily cheering again and again, till the Council Chamber rung again. One excited individual was slightly disgusted at being as he considered 'dodged by the Chairman,' evidently considering that the latter should in season and out of season bore King with the public's presence. The injured individual was speedily silenced, however. After making a bow to those present, King returned thanks warmly to the public for the reception that had been given him, but begged that as 'he was wet and tired they would excuse and allow him to retire. This elicited another burst of cheering, during which King effected his escape to the Royal Hotel, where he put up. He was not, however, permitted to remain there in peace, for hundreds assembled from time to time, determined to get a glimpse of him, whether or not. He looks very well, though traces of the toil and privation he has gone through are still visible, but these are gradually wearing off, and thanks to a most extraordinarily robust constitution, he bids fair to be none the worse for his wearisome, and for his companions, tragical journey. THE DINNER A very large number of persons (about 200) sat down, representing every portion of the district. After the cloth was removed, the usual loyal toasts were given and received with enthusiasm. During the drinking of these toasts, two bachelors, Messrs Fitzgerald and Sweeney, were told off by the Chairman, to supply the ladies in the sallery with refreshments, and Mr Davis, the Town Clerk, volunteered to go and show the fair sex the watch about to be presented to Mr King. Before the toast of the evening was proposed, as the ladies had not done looking at the watch, the Chairman called upon Mr Bannister to propose the 'Army and Navy,' which he did in appropriate terms. Air by the Volunteer band ' The British Grenadiers." Captain Bull, who was received with great applause, responded. He alluded to the military esprit which had been of late evoked in Castlemaine, and said it was with very great satisfaction that in King he recognised a brother soldier. He (King) had served eight years in the army, and that was the reason, he believed, that he was there amongst them that night. When Mr Burke selected King, he believed his choice was guided by the fact of King having been brought up as a soldier. (Hear hear.) When the 70th regiment knew how faithfully King had served his master and leader, they would be proud to know him as a comrade, and he only hoped that if they did their duty, which he had no doubt they would do as well in their arduous service in New Zealand, they might be well rewarded by a due recognition of their services; (Great applause.) Mr Christophers responded on behalf of the Navy. The Chairman proposed the 'Memory of Robert O'Hara Burke and his brave companions who perished whilst returning from the Gulf of Carpentaria.' This toast was drunk in she most respectful silence. The Chairman had next to give the toast of the evening. (This declaration evoked a burst of cheers.) The Chairman then proceeded to read the subjoined address:
The address was received by repeated out bursts of applause. About 800 signatures were attached to it. The Chairman continued, and said he had another pleasant duty - to present a gold watch and chain. He read the inscription, and said the watch was a token of respect; and at the same time said that the purse in which he presented the sovereigns, though not so handsome as it ought to have been, was also a free offering. It was given by a Scotchman, and it was known that Scotchmen did not give much away. (Laughter and disapprobation.) He did not mean it offensively to the Scotch, and he hoped they would not take it so; but the person who gave him the purse that day made a particular request that King's sovereigns should be therein enveloped, because he said he had brought 150 sovereigns in it to this country, and they had prospered him well. (Cheers.) Therefore Mr King must not disregard the outer covering of the sovereigns, which he might say were collected from every class of the Castlemaine community, and were given in very small sums, but at the same time expressed the good feeling of all. (Cheers.) During this address, when alluding to the Watch and chain, he placed the chain round King's neck, and invested him, as it were, with it. This proceeding, as in fact every part of the address, was excellently received. The purse contained, we understand, 50 sovereigns, and if time had been allowed, at least twice as much could have been easily got. The watch and chain are very handsome specimens of manufacture. They are both of gold, and together cost £40, the chain being of colonial gold, weighing an oz and a half. The watch bears the following inscription:
The engraving of this inscription is beautifully done. The Council adopted a very proper method of selecting the watch. All the resident jewellers were invited to send samples of their stock, and from them tho Council made their choice, being ignorant at the time, as to the ownership of the various articles. The watch and chain chosen 'Were ascertained to have been sent in by Mr Farrel, of Market square. Mr King on rising was greeted with renewed cheering. He read the subjoined address with, expression, and was evidently much affected:
The Chairman then put the toast, which was drunk with much cheering. Mr King briefly, but feelingly returned thanks. He had had several receptions, but none so enthusiastic as this one given by the friends of his brave leader, Mr Burke. He might relate many anecdotes of the conversations which he and Wills had had with his leader in the solitary hours they had passed together in the wilderness, but he felt himself unequal to the task. (Hear) He should remain in Castlemaine for about a week, and would be happy to answer any description of questions that the friends of Mr Burke might put to him. He thanked the inhabitants of Castlemaine for their kind present, and assured them that he should keep the watch as a memento, not only of their kindness to him, but of their love for the memory of his noble loader, Mr Burke (much cheering). Mr Taaffe proposed the Parliament of Victoria. The band played, 'The Perfect Cure.' Mr Johnston proposed — 'The Mining and Agricultural Interests.' Dr McNicoll responded. 'The Trade and Commerce of the District' was proposed by Dr Hardy, and acknowledged by Mr Myring. Mr Brown gave the ' Castlemaine Volunteers.' Capt. Bull responded, expressing a hope that the corps which he had the honor to command, would be found efficient in the field, if they were ever called on. Mr Price proposed the 'Magistrates of the District Mr Naylor responded, and paid a tribute to the memory of Burke,who did many kind acts as a magistrate, and as a private individual, that did credit to humanity. The Rev. Mr Bickford, who had accompanied King to Castlemaine, proposed the toast of the 'Municipal Council.' The toast was to have been proposed by Mr King, but owing to his nervous condition, it was necessary that he should find a substitute, and as such he (the Hon. speaker), presented himself. The Rev. gentleman eulogised Burke, and defended him against the attacks that had been made against him. Burke believed in an over ruling Providence. He (Mr B.) believed him to be one of the most generous men that ever lived. The rev. gentleman dilated at some length on the character of Burke and Wills, and eloquently pictured the results of the expedition which Burke had led. He hoped the example set by the Council of Castlemaine would be followed by other municipalities throughout the colony. (Cheers.) Mr Burnett responded to the toast. Other toasts followed, and the company broke up about half-past eleven. We omitted to mention that the band of the Volunteers played during the evening, and that the boxes of the theatre were crowded with ladies. |