& the Australian Exploring Expedition of 1860
Andrew Jackson
London: Smith, Elder & Co.
(Ferguson 10857)
Mr Burke's Family
Formation of the Exploring Party
Exploration Fund Committee
Public Dinner to Mr Burke
Departure of the Expedition
Journey to Menindie on the River Darling
Landells withdraws from the Party
Mr Burke's difficult Position
Division of the Party
Measures for Formation of permanent Depot in the Interior
Instructions to Mr Burke
Journey to Torowoto
Mr Burke's first Despatch
Instructions to Mr Wright
Journey to Cooper's Creek
Choice of a Site for Depot
Mr Burke's first Journey and Return
Mr Wills proceeds Northward
Loss of three Camels
Mr Burke's Final Arrangements
Instructions to Brahe, and Despatch to the Committee at Melbourne
The written Records of the Expedition
Diary kept jointly by Messrs Burke and Wills
Surveyor's Report on the Country lying between Torowoto and Cooper's Creek
Wright's Inactivity and Disregard of Mr Burke's Instructions
His Inability to account for his Conduct.
Departure for Carpentaria-Diary of the Explorers.
The Object of the Expedition accomplished
Messrs Burke and Wills prepare to return to Cooper's Creek
Particulars furnished by King
Diary of the Return Journey
Arrival at Cooper's Creek
Disappointment and Depression of the Party on finding the Depot deserted
Brahe's journal of his stay at Cooper's creek.
The Explorers determine to move towards Mount Hopeless
Reasons for Mr Burke's Choice of that Route
Two Camels killed
Kindness of the Natives
The Supply of Water fails
The Party are obliged to retrace their Steps
Find the Nardoo Plants, and resolve to make a last Attempt to reach Mount Hopeless
Mr Wills's last Visit to Cooper's Creek
Friendly Conduct of Natives
He reaches Depot, and deposits Journals, &c.
The Natives visit Mr Burke's Gunyah
A Fire breaks out
Mr Wills rejoins the Party
They are reduced to subsist on the Nardoo, become gradually more exhausted.
Burke and King resolve on making a last effort to find the Blacks
Their reluctance to leave Wills
His last entries in the journal
His Death
Burke's last journey; his failing strength, he becomes utterly exhausted the second day
His heroic efforts, his last moments, his death
Brahe's Journey towards the Darling
He meets with and joins Wright's Party
Brahe and Wright visit Cooper's Creek; but failing to observe the Traces of Mr Burke's Return, rejoin their companions
Brahe arrives in Melbourne, and reports progress
The Committee of the Royal Society deliberate as to what should be done to rescue Mr Burke
Their Approval of his Measures
Relief Parties despatched
King Wanderings among the Blacks
Mr Howitt's proceedings
He discovers King
Rescues himInterment of the Remains of Messrs Burke and Wills
Distribution of Presents to the Natives
Report of the Royal Commission
Despatch from the Government of Victoria
Reply of the Duke of Newcastle
Appendix A - Instructions to Leader.
Appendix B - King's Narrative.
Appendix C - Mr Burke's Notes of the Expedition.
Appendix D - Copy of a Letter from the Colonial Office to Major Burke, 3rd Regiment.
Appendix E - Extracts from a Letter from Sir Henry Barkly to Major Burke.
Appendix F - Extract from a Resolution passed by the Grand Jury of the County of Galway.
Appendix G - Extract of Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Royal Geographical Society.