This section contains the 'Instructions to Officers', drafted by the Exploration Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria.
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The original items are held at the State Library of Victoria, SLV MS13071, Box 2082/3, Items a-d. Victorian Exploring Expedition Records, Instructions issued to members of the VEE by Exploration Committee. |
• 2082/3a (1) Instructions to leader. 5p.
• 2082/3a (2) Copy of same. 6p.
• 2082/3a (3) Copy of same. 8p.
• 2082/3a (4) Copy of same. 6p.
• 2082/3a (5) Draft of same. 7p.
• 2082/3b Leader's copy of Instructions to geologist, zoologist and botanist attached to the VEE. 9p.
• 2082/3c Leader's copy of Instructions to surveyor, meteorologist and astronomical observer. 9p.
• 2082/3d Instructions issued to Scientific Observers attached to the VEE; surveyor, astronomer, meteorologist, geologist, mineralogist, zoologist and botanist. 12p.
These instructions were drafted at meetings of the Exploration Committee during August 1860, and the final draft instructions were delivered by Professor Neumayer to Burke at Swan Hill in September 1860.
Friday, 10 August 1860. At an Ordinary meeting of the Exploration Committee, attended by Wilkie (Chair), Macadam, Embling, Gillbee, Mackenna, Selwyn, Elliott and Burke, a sub-committee consisting of Gillbee, Wilkie and Macadam was appointed to draft the general letter of instructions.
• SLV MS13071, Box 2075/1c, Exploration Committee minute book 1858-1861.
Minutes of the EC ordinary meeting, 10 August 1860, signed by Stawell.
• SLV MS13071, Box 2088B/1. RSV EFC minute book, 1856-1873. 1 bd volume, ms., pages numbered.
p. 69. Minutes of the EC ordinary meeting, 10 August 1860.• SLV MS13071, Box 2075/2c, 16 items, Minutes 1 March to 14 November 1860 (incomplete and some undated) 51p.Box 2075/2c (8) EC meeting, 10 August 1860. 5p.
Wednesday, 15 August 1860. At an Ordinary meeting of the Exploration Committee, attended by Stawell (Chair), Eades, Wilkie, Gillbee, Mackenna, Embling, Ligar, Selwyn, Elliott and Burke, the business was to consider the general letter of instructions drawn up by the sub-committee. As there was no draft letter, a conversational discussion occured. Surveyor-general, Ligar, was instructed to draft a general letter of instruction.
• SLV MS13071, Box 2075/1c, Exploration Committee minute book 1858-1861.
Minutes of the EC meeting, 15 August 1860, signed by Stawell.• SLV MS13071, Box 2088B/1. RSV EFC minute book, 1856-1873. 1 bd volume, ms., pages numbered.
p. 72-3. Minutes of the EC ordinary meeting, 15 August 1860.
p. 74. Crossed out partial minutes of the EC ordinary meeting, 15 August 1860.• SLV MS13071, Box 2075/2c, 16 items, Minutes 1 March to 14 November 1860 (incomplete and some undated) 51p. Box 2075/2c (9) EC meeting, 15 August 1860. 4p.
Thursday, 16 August 1860. At an Ordinary meeting of the Exploration Committee, held at 4.00 pm at the Royal Society hall and attended by Stawell (Chair), Ligar, Selwyn, Cadell, Burke, Eades, Macadam, Wilkie, McCoy and Gillbee, the business was to consider the general letter of instructions prepared by Ligar.
An extensive discussion was held over the instructions drawn up by Ligar and the letter of instruction was approved. Mr Selwyn read the letter of instructions to the Geologist - adopted, Professor McCoy's letter of instuctions to the naturalist was read and adopted.
Letters were writen to Professors Mueller and Neumayer requesting they send in their letters of instruction to the botanist and surveyor.
• SLV MS13071, Box 2075/1c, Exploration Committee minute book 1858-1861.
Minutes of the EC meeting, 16 August 1860, signed by Stawell.• SLV MS13071, Box 2088B/1. RSV EFC minute book, 1856-1873. 1 bd volume, ms., pages numbered.
p. 75. Minutes of the EC ordinary meeting, 16 August 1860.
Saturday, 18 August 1860. At a special meeting of the Exploration Committee attended by Stawell (Chair), Bleasdale, Eades, Gillbee, Macadam , Embling, Neumayer, McCoy, Ligar, Selwyn, Elliott and Watson, the letter of instruction to scientific staff read and adopted.
• SLV MS13071, Box 2075/1c, Exploration Committee minute book 1858-1861.
Minutes of the EC meeting, 18 August 1860, signed by Stawell.• SLV MS13071, Box 2088B/1. RSV EFC minute book, 1856-1873. 1 bd volume, ms., pages numbered.
p. 77. Minutes of the EC meeting, 18 August 1860.• SLV MS13071, Box 2075/2c, 16 items, Minutes 1 March to 14 November 1860 (incomplete and some undated) 51p.
Box 2075/2c (10b) Special meeting of the RSV, 18 August 1860. 3p
Box 2075/2c (13) Copy of leader's instructions, 18 August 1860. 6p.