(?-17 April 1861)

Gray was born in Scotland and came to Australia as a sailor. He worked as a digger on the Bendigo goldfields before becoming an ostler for Cobb & Co. John Maddern wrote (Advertiser (Adelaide) Saturday, 12 October 1889, p. 6)
Mr Burke engaged Charles Gray on the recommendation of Mr Foster, the Superintendent of Police at Swan Hill at that time. Gray was a run away sailor. I was intimately acquainted with him for upwards of two years at Swan Hill. He had no friends or relations in the colony. He had no relatives in the world but one sister in England.
Gray was appointed to the VEE whilst the Expedition was at Swan Hill between 6-12 September 1860.
He died on Expedition on 17th April 1861 at the Lignum Lake, Polygonum Swamp. This location is unknown, but has been suggested to be Lake Massacre.
Where Gray went on the expedition