William Brahe's Report.

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(Received 1st July 1861.) Sir, I have the honour to report to you, for the information of the Committee, that on the 16th December last, Mr Burke gave me charge of the depot formed by him at Cooper's Creek and started for Eyre's Creek en route for the Gulf of Carpentaria at 6.40 a.m. on the same day. His party consisted of himself, Mr Wills, King and Gray. He took with him six camels and one horse. The party was provided with provisions for twelve weeks. I accompanied the party for a distance of twenty-two miles along the watercourse of the creek. The party remaining at the depot consisted of myself, Patten, McDonough and Dost Mahommed. My instructions, received by word of mouth, were to remain at the depot three months, or longer, if provisions and other circumstances would permit. I left the party at 4 o'clock p.rn. on the some day and returned to the depot. On the following day, the 17th December, we commenced cutting timber, for the purpose of erecting a stockade. |
22nd December
Natives, about
twenty-five in number, approached the camp, but I considered it
advisable not to allow them to come near the tents.
30th December
On several days
during the week were annoyed by number of natives. On Wednesday
they succeeded to steal six camel pack-bags, which we had washed
that morning and spread out on the turf on the water's edge to
dry. The thief, by keeping under shelter of the high bank,
escaped unobserved. Noticing the loss only late in the afternoon
I did not think it advisable to go in pursuit. During the night
of Thursday I, observed two-blacks within a hundred yards of the
camp. but on my shouting to them they ran off. On the 23rd,
finished the stockade, 20 by 18 feet, and put up Mr Burke's tent
within it. In this tent I kept the ammunition and firearms. From
within the stockade we had the other tents and the camels, which
were kept tied up at night, under cover of our guns.
31st December
Observed some
blacks stealing stealthily along the bank of the creek towards
the camp, while one of them directed them from behind a big tree.
I allowed them to come to within twenty paces of the camp, when
suddenly I called out to them, we at the same time firing off our
guns over their heads. They seemed much frightened and hardly
able to run away. Great numbers of blacks camped near us.
6th January 1861
A large number
of natives carve to the camp, whose demeanour roused my
suspicions. Got hold of a, young native and shoved him off, when
he fell down. In the afternoon the whole tribe returned, the men
armed, some with spears and some with boomerangs; most of them
had painted their faces and bodies. I met them at a short,
distance from the camp, and marking a circle round it, I gave
them to understand that they would be fired at if they entered
it. On some of them crossing the line I fired off my gun into the
branches of a tree, when they retired, and did not molest us any
24th December [sic]
I should
like to explore the neighborhood a little but cannot safely leave
the camp for longer than three or four hours, one of the men
looking after the camels the greater part of the day, while the
other is away from four to five hours daily to prevent the horses
from straying. I should have mentioned that I had charge of six
camels and twelve horses, two of the camels very scabby. Grass is
getting very dry and scarce near the camp. We are obliged to hang
all our stores on boughs of trees to protect them from the rats,
of which we killed about forty every night for some time.
26th February
I rode up a
conical hill bearing N.W. by N. from the depot. It is
distant about nine miles and one of a chain of hills running
NE and SW. From the top of this hill I saw another range,
distant about fifteen to twenty miles, much broken and
considerably higher than the one I was on. The country between
the two is stony, like that between the first range and the
1st March
Natives less
numerous. Looking out anxiously for Mr Burke's return. One day I
took a ride up the creek which joins Cooper's Creek opposite our
camp. coming from ESE, following it up about six miles, and
found bed and banks thickly timbered with myall. The country in
that direction is very stony. From the top of a stony rise I saw
a low range running E and W, distant about fifteen miles.
Blacks passing now and then offering us nets and fish; we made it
a rule never to accept the least thing from them, but made some
of them little presents, as left off clothes.
15th March
About twenty-five
natives with their families passed here last night an their way
up the creek, offering nets and fish. They gave me to
understand that there would be plenty of water in the creek
shortly, and that we might swim on the flat the stockade was
1st April
During the first twenty-four
days of March the heat has been greater than might be expected
for the season and especially the nights were intolerably sultry,
a great deal more so than the warmest of January. On the 24th
there was a sudden change, it began to blow hard, the nights
became very cool. On the evening of the 29th we observed
lightning in all quarters, and heard thunder in the north. A
slight shower of rain fell between 8 and 9 o 'clock, p.m., and
another on the following morning, not sufficient however to lay
the dust. The blacks stole a camel pack-saddle from us on the
27th, while I was away from the camp. They carried it about a
mile down the creek, where Patten overtook them and recovered the
saddle, but it was torn to pieces.
1st April
Patten commenced
shoeing the horses, lest he might become incapacitated by
disease, as he felt very unwell.
4th April.
Patten, after shoeing two
horses, was obliged to take to his bed, suffering acute pain, and
was not afterwards able to move about.
15th April
Patten is getting
worse. I and McDonough began to feel alarming symptoms of the
same disease.
18th April
There is no
probability of Mr Burke returning this way. Patten is in a
deplorable state, and desirous of being removed to the Darling to
obtain medical assistance, and our provisions will soon be
reduced to a quantity insufficient to take us back to the
Darling, if the trip should turn out difficult and tedious. Being
also sure that I and McDonough would not much longer escape
scurvy, I, after most seriously considering all circumstances,
made up my mind to start for the Darling on Sunday next, the
21st. The horses have lately got into the habit of
straying; missed five of them a few days ago and found them about
fifteen miles from the camp. Last Monday we had a welcome rain
for the first time since 8th December (except some slight showers
on 24th and 25th March). The last three days have been, line and
cool, but now it again looks like rain, although the barometer is
very high - higher, indeed, than it has been during our stay
21st April
Left the depot
at 10 o' clock am., leaving 50 lbs. of flour, 50 lbs. of oatmeal,
50 Ibs. of sugar, and 30 lbs. of rice buried near the stockade,
at the foot of a large tree and marked the word "dig" on the
tree. I took 150 lbs. of flour, 75 lbs. of sugar, about 70 lbs.
of oatmeal, 1 bag of rice, 4 lbs. of tea, and a small quantity of
biscuits. Taking into consideration that we would be obliged to
travel slowly on account of Patten, and on account of the
scarcity of water which I calculated to have to contend with, and
would probably be on the road to the Darling at least six or
seven weeks, I considered that I could not take less provisions.
Patten was placed on a quiet camel. We travelled very slowly,
and halted at 5 o'clock pm, having made about fourteen
22nd April
Started at 8 o'clock, and
reached Camp 63. (Rats' Hole) at 11.30 am. finding the frame of
a camel pack-saddle stuck in a tree. We had put away the saddle
in some bushes when we abandoned the place on account of the
rats, but the natives had found it. Halted at Camp 62.
23rd April
Were visited by about seventy
or eighty natives, some of them old acquaintances, Threw away a
bag of camel shoes to lighten the burdens of the two sick camels.
Travelled twenty-eight miles, and halted at Camp 60. Splendid
grass in bed of creek.
Filled two pair of water-bags with
water, and started for Bulloo at 12,30 pm, going ESE.
Finding a little water and plenty of good grass, halted at 5 pm.
Was compelled to throw away nine pair of water-bags to be able to
carry water. Finest country in the neighborhood of Cooper's
25th April
Started at 8 a.m.
from eleven o' clock passed over very stony country. Three
o'clock stony range. Halted at 6.15 pm between ranges without
water or grass.
26th April
Having kept a
careful watch over the camels and horses, we were enabled to
start at 6.30 am. Till eleven o' clock, very stony and scrubby
country to pass over. When clear of ranges, followed an ESE
course, crossing several creeks without water running; SW bank
of creeks thickly timbered with gum. The creeks looked likely to
contain some watery but pushed on without searching for it. At 3
pm came upon sandy, well grassed and thinly timbered country;
saw a variety of birds, as pigeons, crows, etc; halted at a
creek, probably McDonough's Creek. We had to watch our cattle
closely the whole night, as want of water made them inclined to
ramble and they showed no inclination to feed.
27th April
Started at 6.4 am taking an E by S course, as the
appearance of the ranges to the N and NE led me to believe
that I had kept rather too much to the south. I continued on this
course till 9 a.m., when I got a glimpse of a high ridge, which I
recognised as the western boundary ridge of the Balloo Plains.
Went east till 10 a.m. then E. by N., and arrived at the Bulloo
Creek, at Camp 52, at 1.45 pm. When crossing Mr Burke's old
track I noticed fresh tracks of horses and camels going in
different directions, which were not more than ten, to twelve
days old, and I conjectured that the party left at Menindee had
been at Bulloo, or were there still. As I could not expect to
find water down the creek, I followed up our old track, knowing
that there must be water in a large channel, which we had passed
on our way to Cooper's Creek, about five miles from Camp 51. At 4
pm I reached several small but deep water holes with plenty of
water, and camped there. We had much trouble to keep the horses
from plunging into the water, most of them having had no fresh
water for exactly 100 hours. I decided upon remaining there the
whole of the following day, not only to refresh the cattle, but
also to search for traces of the Darling party.
28th April.
Went very early in
search of the horses up the creek. At about daylight I got in
sight of them, at the same time observing smoke rising within 300
yards from me, and near the horses. There was not light enough to
see well and I thought I had dropped upon a camp of natives, and
resolved to try to obtain some information from them respecting
the Darling party. After going a few yards further, I saw to my
great surprise a European advancing towards me. It was Mr.
Hodgkinson. He led me to Mr Wright's camps, and after bringing
our party in with horses and camels, &c., I placed myself and
party under the orders of Mr Wright.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient Servant,
William Brahe