In this section there is a comprehensive list of reference sources,
both published and archived material held in repositories in Australia:
Burke & Wills Web: Sources of Material Recommended reading Bibliography of Published Material List of Archive Material Australian Libraries and Research Sites
Finding Aids for archived material
Finding Aids for archived material NLA:MS 30 NLA:Mfm G 3748-50 SLV:MS 13071 (SLV:Msm 424-440) SLNSW ML CY885 Royal Society of Victoria : Guide to records J H Willis : Guide to recordsBurke & Wills in Film
List of films Francis Birtles (1915) The Bergin-McHugh Expedition Burke and Wills - The Movie (1985) Wacky World of Wills & Burke (1985) Les Hiddins - The Great MisadventureBurke & Wills in Plays
PlaysBurke & Wills in Literature
The Supply Party - Edmond Dig Tree - Murgatroyd Cooper's Creek - Moorehead Dig - Clune Landscape of Desire - Rabalais Burke's Soldier - Attwood Dig: The forgotten history - Cormick Dig: The last history - Cormick Roses & Boronia - Veitch Burke's Company - Reed O'Hara - Oakley Tree by the Creek - Mackellar Burke & Wills - Thiele Such is Life - Furphy Bush Flowers - WoodBurke & Wills in Poetry & Song
19th Century Poetry
Exploration Race by Nicholas Chevalier ‘Tis risky work by Old Bush In Memorium by Punch On the Death of Burke by Provis Disturb Not Their Ashes by W.S. The Death of Wills by E.E. The Death of Burke by Rollo The Lost Explorers by Hughan Dead Heroes by Poussard Fate of the Explorers by Henry Kendall Burke & Wills by Tucker The Fate of the Explorers by W.G. Burke & Wills by A Native of Australia Leave Me Unburied As I Lie by Ball Patrician & Plebeian by Charles Fenerty Explorers Part I by Catherine Martin Explorers Part II by Catherine Martin Explorers Part III by Catherine Martin Explorers Part IV by Catherine Martin Burke's Grave by Alfred Kenyon Holden The Explorers by D Lamont Gray's Grave by D Lamont Move On... by J.A. Death in the Bush by Thomas Australian Explorers by Eliza Berry Gone by Adam Lindsay Gordon Burke & Wills by Loughran
20th Century Poetry & Music
Burke & Wills by Ken Barrett Cooper's Creek by Sidney Nolan The Failure by John Dawes Burke & Wills & me by Master’s Apprentices Burke & Wills by Howard Milligan Burke’s Skeleton by John Blight Cooper’s Creek by Chris Mansell Uncertainty Principal by Oakes Cooper's Creek by E C Rolls Mrs Wills... by Anne Howard Burke & Wills &... by Treborlang WJW Writes His Ending by Gebhardt Menindee by Neil Murray
21st Century Poetry & Music
The Further I Travel by Jim Low Barrier Range Ch 3 by Ray Liversidge Burke & Wills by Graham Rodger Barrier Range Ch 3 by Ray Liversidge Barrier Range Ch 18 by Ray Liversidge Barrier Range Ch 19 by Ray Liversidge burke and wills by mister c Dig Tree by Erin Corday Burke's Song by Welder's Dog How Many Days? by Welder's Dog Endless Flight by Welder's Dog
Podcasts, Interviews and Audio
ABC Radio: Bush Telegraph Burke and Wills ABC Radio Bush Telegraph: Cooper Creek ABC Radio Bush Telegraph: Menindee ABC Radio Bush Telegraph: Swan Hill ABC Radio Bush Telegraph: Melbourne BBC Radio Ulster: David Armstrong Murgatroyd's Dig Tree audiobook released Howitt audiobook released Gerard Hayes on Inner FM Robert Doyle on Inner FM David Dodd on Inner FM Andrew Harper on Inner FM Geoffrey Blainey at the MWF Peter Thorne talks Burke & Wills Steve Pentreath's Burke & Wills poetry Kevin Rabalais Croydon Library podcast Kevin Rabalais Belgrave Library podcast Frank Leahy talks about the Plant Camp Ray Holmes donates bubble to StateLinks to some of the sources of published and archived material
National Library of Australia Royal Society of Victoria Royal Historical Society of Victoria State Library of Victoria State Library of South Australia State Library of New South Wales State Library of Queensland List of other Libraries and Research Sites